Thursday, March 22, 2012

Lucky Seven

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Basically had to go to the 77th page and the seventh line down and copy the next seven lines. I cheated a little in what counted as a "line", but this is basically it. Since I haven't started my next serious WIP yet (I will soon, I promise! I'm excited for's not vampires, were creatures, demons, or angels! But still very much paranormal romance.)

Instead, these lines are from last year's NaNoWriMo:

He was tall and had more piercings on his face than she could count. Not to mention incredibly strong.

He pulled her back and shoved her up against the carriage. She had a moment where she thought he knew she was a woman and that’s why he has grabbed her. She thrashed wildly, trying to escape his hold.

But his voice rang out the next moment, deep and rough, like his voice box was a cheese grater.

“You’ve got some good fight in you, boy. You’re a real possibility, you are. Get in.”